Car safety means the vehicle is safe to drive and protect occupants. This page explains what is automotive functional safety, the safety standards, safety levels in vehicles and why safety is important. Knowing this helps to create a safer driving environment for everyone.

What is car safety?

Automotive safety is also known as car safety. It is the study and practice of automotive design, construction, equipment and regulations to prevent traffic collisions and their consequences. It means creating vehicles that protect occupants and reduce accident risk.

Car safety also includes crashworthiness which means the ability of a vehicle to protect its occupants in an impact. Manufacturers achieve crashworthiness through crush zones and reinforced structures.

Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) is part of car safety. ADAS includes technologies like automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning and adaptive cruise control to prevent accidents.

Regulatory bodies set car safety standards so all vehicles meet certain safety requirements. These standards include crash testing and safety equipment requirements.

What Is Automotive Functional Safety?

Automotive functional safety is the implementation of measures to prevent hazards caused by system failures or unintended behaviour in vehicles. It ensures critical systems like brakes and steering work safely even if components fail.

The ISO 26262 standard guides automotive manufacturers and suppliers to achieve functional safety throughout product development. This standard covers the entire lifecycle from development to production and decommissioning.

Functional safety includes testing and validation processes to identify risks. Engineers design systems with redundancy and failsafes to keep vehicle control during failures.

Electronic control units (ECUs) are key to automotive functional safety. ECUs manage and monitor systems like engine control, airbags and anti-lock brakes so they work correctly.

What Are Car Safety Standards?

Automotive functional safety means the safety requirements of electronic systems and software in vehicles. This includes systems like airbags, ABS and sensor technologies. Any electronic component involved in vehicle operation is part of automotive functional safety.

Functional safety is critical in the automotive industry. Failures in electronic components can be deadly. Manufacturers must follow strict safety standards to ensure car safety.

  • ISO 26262: This is a functional safety standard for all road vehicles. It ensures electronic systems and software meet safety requirements. The standard defines four Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASIL) to categorize the safety requirements of each component.
  • FMVSS: This stands for Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the US. It covers safety requirements like crash testing, airbags, seatbelts and child safety features.

NCAP: This stands for New Car Assessment Program. It is run by various national governments around the world, including the US and the EU. NCAP provides consumers with information on the safety features of new cars and encourages manufacturers to improve car safety.

What Are the ISO Standards for Car Safety?

ISO 26262 is the main standard for car safety. It covers all aspects of vehicle design, development and production. The standard ensures electronic components are reliable, safe and fault free.

ISO 26262 defines four ASIL levels to categorize the safety requirements of each component. Manufacturers must analyze all possible hazards during the design and development phase. This analysis covers all possible use scenarios.

Other standards in the automotive industry:

  • ISO 9001: This standard is for quality management systems. It ensures organizations consistently deliver products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
  • ISO 14001: This environmental management standard helps organizations improve their environmental performance. It provides a framework to reduce waste and increase sustainability in operations.
  • IATF 16949: This standard harmonizes automotive quality management systems globally. It combines multiple quality standards to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the automotive supply chain.
  • ISO 45001: This occupational health and safety standard helps organizations provide a safe and healthy workplace. It reduces workplace risks and improves employee safety.
  • ISO 50001: This energy management standard helps organizations improve energy performance. It provides a framework to manage energy efficiently, resulting in cost savings and reduced environmental impact.
  • ISO 27001: This information security standard helps organizations manage and protect their information assets. It ensures confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

What are the safety levels in cars?

The automotive industry has safety levels to ensure cars meet specific safety standards. These levels categorize the risk of automotive systems and guide the necessary safety actions.

There are four ASILs (Automotive Safety Integrity Levels) defined by the standard:

  • ASIL A: The lowest, basic safety measures.
  • ASIL B: Moderate risk, more advanced safety precautions.
  • ASIL C: High risk, strict safety controls.
  • ASIL D: The highest, most stringent safety requirements and integrity measures.

These levels ensure automotive systems are safe and reliable.

Why does car safety matter?

Car safety is important for several reasons:

Preventing Injuries and Deaths: Car crashes are a leading cause of injuries and deaths globally. Car safety features like airbags, seatbelts and crush zones reduce the impact of collisions and protect occupants.

Driver Confidence: When drivers feel safe in their cars, they can focus better on the road, resulting in fewer accidents and better overall driving experience.

Lower Insurance Costs: Safer cars have lower insurance premiums as they are less likely to be involved in accidents.

Public Health: By reducing road accidents, car safety contributes to better public health and reduces the strain on healthcare systems.

Vulnerable Road Users: Car safety features like pedestrian detection systems and automatic emergency braking protect vulnerable road users like cyclists and pedestrians.

In summary, car safety is key to a safer and more sustainable mobility for all.

Category: Automative