Troubleshooting Common Issues of Subaru: Quick Fixes And Solutions
Subaru is one of the most popular and reliable car brands in the market. Yet like any other brand, it also experiences common issues, which can be efficiently fixed with the help of proper troubleshooting techniques. In this blog, we will discuss some of the most common problems faced by Subaru owners and provide quick fixes and solutions for them.
Some of the Common Issues Of Subaru & Ways to Troubleshoot it:
Here are some of the ways in which you can easily troubleshoot common issues of your Subaru vehicle:
Check Engine Light is On
One of the most common issues faced by any Subaru owner is of check light. It can be caused due to various reasons some of which can be a loose gas cap to a faulty sensor. Here are some quick troubleshooting fixes and solutions that you can try to resolve this issue:
- Check the Gas Cap: Make sure to look for the gas cap and if it is tightly secured or not. If you find it loose or broken you need to immediately replace it.
- Replace Spark Plugs: Having faulty spark plugs can cause the check engine light to come on. Get them replaced if they are worn out instantly.
- Check Oxygen Sensor: Having a faulty oxygen sensor can lead to the illuminating of the check light so you need to address the issue to get it resolved.
- Clean Mass Air Flow Sensor: A dirty or faulty mass air flow sensor of your Subaru vehicle can lead to the check engine light coming on. Clean it with a specialized cleaner or get it replaced.
Unusual Noises from the Engine
Another common issue that a Subaru owner can face is unwanted noises coming out from the engine. There are various factors that can be responsible for it such as worn-out belts, low oil levels, or a faulty water pump. Here are some of the troubleshooting steps you can follow to fix this problem:
- Check the Belts: Make sure to properly inspect the belts for any signs of wear and tear, and replace them if necessary with the original part.
- Check Oil Levels: You need to look for the oil levels and if you find it lesser you need to top up it immediately to resolve the issue.
- Replace Water Pump: If the noise is coming from the water pump, get it checked and replaced by a professional as soon as possible or else it can lead to major issues down the line.
Subaru vehicles are known for having a reliable cooling system. But there are times when it can experience overheating. Here are a few troubleshooting steps to carry out to troubleshoot the issue:
- Check Coolant Levels: Make sure that the coolant levels are according to the recommended level. If there is any shortage you need to refill it immediately.
- Inspect Radiator: Check for any leaks or blockages in the radiator. If there is a leak, get it fixed immediately with the help of Subaru auto repair manuals pdf or a certified mechanic.
- Replace Thermostat: A faulty thermostat can also cause overheating. Get it replaced if needed.
Battery Issues
Subaru batteries are one of the most durable ones according to the owners of Subaru. But there few cases where owners have experienced some issues with it. Here is how you can troubleshoot them:
- Check Connections: The first thing you need to do is make sure that the battery connections are clean and tight. If not, clean them or tighten them as needed.
- Test Battery Voltage: If the battery connections are clean you need to use a multimeter to check the voltage of the battery. If the reading is low you need to get it recharged or replaced accordingly.
- Inspect : A faulty alternator can also drain the battery. Get it checked and replaced if necessary.
Rough Idling
If your Subaru is experiencing any kind of rough idling, it could be due to various factors some of which may be clogged fuel injectors or dirty air filters. Here are some solutions to fix this issue:
- Clean Fuel Injectors: With the help of a fuel injector cleaner, clean up any kind of build-up in the fuel injector and you can experience the improved performance pf your Subaru.
- Replace Air Filter: A dirty air filter can also cause rough idling. Replace after checking if needed.
- Check Spark Plugs: Faulty spark plugs can also cause the engine to idle roughly. Get them replaced if necessary.
As a Subaru owner, it is essential to be aware of various common issues faced by Subaru owners and what are the ways to fix these issues efficiently and quickly. By following these quick fixes and solutions, you can easily make sure that you resolve most problems and keep your Subaru running smoothly for years to come. However, if the issue persists or you are unsure about how to fix it, always consult a professional mechanic for assistance. With proper maintenance and care, your Subaru will continue to serve you reliably for years to come.