7 Common Reasons Your Car Battery Keeps Dying and How to Prevent Them
Has your car battery dying on you more than you would like?
That might seem like a problem only you are dealing with but you will be surprised at how common this problem is for many owners. According to various research in one year alone, AAA attends to millions of calls for a dead battery.
But what exactly causes a car battery to die? In this guide, we will help you explore seven common reasons why your car battery may keep dying and we will also provide you with tips on preventing it from happening again in the future.
Why Does My Car Battery Keep Dying?
It sounds annoying and inconvenient. You just come out one morning to get in your car to head to an important spot, and your battery is dead. You may really feel stranded, thinking of what led to that. But before we dive into the essential reasons it is essential to understand the role of a car battery.
A car battery is really important as its core duties are starting the of a vehicle and giving the power needed for the electrical mechanisms of a vehicle. It performs the function of stabilizing and filtering the electricity that comes from the , providing an electric charge and power to start the engine. It is the single component that is important to run numerous systems in your car.
It can be frustrating and inconvenient when your car battery keeps dying, especially when you have important places to be. But before we dive into the reasons why this may be happening, it’s important to understand the function of a car battery.
A car battery is responsible for providing the necessary power to start the engine and keep various electrical components running while the vehicle is in use. It also acts as a stabilizing force for the electrical system of your car.
Now that we have a better understanding of what a car battery does, let’s take a look at some common reasons why it may keep dying frequently:
Parasitic Drain
Parasitic drain occurs when there is an excessive amount of electricity being drawn from the battery even when the car is not in use. This can happen due to faulty electrical components such as a malfunctioning alarm system, radio, or even a light that was left on inside the car. When this happens, it causes the battery to constantly work and lose its charge, resulting in frequent dead batteries.
In the case of a parasitic drain, an excess of electricity is drawn from the battery even when the car is not in use. The issue is provoked by the malfunction of some components which do not disconnect the battery. In more detail, the malfunctioning of the alarm system constantly gives signals that the vehicle is endangered, the radio is off but tries to turn on, and a light put on by the driver out of negligence constantly asks for emerging energy. As a result, the batteries died very rapidly.
Extreme Temperatures
Extreme temperatures whether too hot or too cold can have a significant impact on the the battery power. When in very cold weather, chemical reactions in the battery slow down leading to producing very little power to start the engine. Whereas the hot condition may cause evaporation of the water inside the battery reducing the battery life span.
Defective Charging System
Furthermore, the other reason why the car battery keeps dying is having a defective charging system, that is the alternator. It is more specifically the source of the problem. It is in charge of keeping the battery charged when the car is moving. When it is not working properly it cannot produce the power that is used to start the car. Making the die.
Car battery positive and negative
As everyone knows the positive and the negative terminals on your car battery are the crucial aspects for supplying electricity to the vehicle. With time, these terminals can become corroded or loose, affecting the flow of electricity and ultimately leading to a dead battery. Thus, it is important to regularly clean and tighten these terminals to prevent any issues.
Old Car Battery
Car Batteries like all the other things in the world have their own service life. Another major reason for the frequent dying of your battery can be the age of the battery. Most car batteries work for 3-5 years before they need to be replaced.
Leaving Headlights On
Apart from that, if one has a relatively older car or a defect in an automatic shutoff for the headlights of a vehicle, forgetting to turn off the headlights when parked will be a sure way of killing a car battery.
The reason why this kills a car battery is because when the engine is off, the car will rely on the power left in the battery to fire up the radio, and other devices feature, and consequently, one will not be able to start the car and drive on.
Bad Alternator
The alternator is a device that charges the battery of the car while it is running. A bad alternator can cause the battery to drain quickly and thus die and need to be jump-started fairly often. Signs that the alternator is bad include the headlights getting dimmer, dashboard warning lights flashing, and having trouble starting the car.
How Do You Stop Your Car Battery from Draining?
Now that we have explored some common reasons why a car battery may keep dying, let us discuss some preventive measures to stop it from happening again in the future.
Regular Maintenance
One of the major things you can do to prevent your car battery from dying is to maintain the vehicle from time to time. This includes checking and cleaning the battery terminals, making sure that all electrical components are functioning properly, and having a professional inspect the charging system.
Avoid Extreme Temperatures
We may not change the weather, but we are able to do our best to escape extreme temperatures because they are one of the most influential factors. One may use a garage or other place to keep the car in cold weather because the battery prefers a higher level of temperature. In case of hot weather, try to park in the shadow and prevent the battery from heating under direct sun rays.
Invest in a Battery Tender
It is a device that you hook up to your car battery when not in use or if you are planning to store the vehicle for a longer time. The battery tender will keep your battery charge at optimal levels and prevent the battery from dying due to parasitic drainage.
Turn Off All Electrical Components When Not In Use
As already mentioned, even small electrical components like interior lights can drain your car battery. It is important to make sure all components are turned off when the car is not in use.
Replace Old Batteries
If your car battery is around the corner of its service life, it may be time to replace it with a new one. This can help prevent frequent dead batteries and keep your vehicle running smoothly.
To Conclude
In conclusion, understanding the function of a car battery is essential to identify any potential issues that may cause it to die frequently. By following these tips and regularly maintaining your vehicle, you can ensure that your car battery stays in good condition and provides reliable power for your vehicle.
So, it is important to keep an eye on your car battery’s health and take necessary steps to prevent it from dying frequently.
So, next time when you are faced with a dead car battery, instead of feeling frustrated or confused, remember that there are simple reasons why this happens and preventative steps that you can take to avoid it. Also, if the issue persists despite taking preventive measures, do not hesitate to seek professional help from a mechanic or specialist.